
Sound: the soundtracks of our past

Listen to a song that had special meaning for you at an earlier time in your life (just make sure you have some real temporal distance from when you first heard it). Listen to it a second and maybe even a third time before writing anything. When you feel saturated with your own feelings and ideas relating to this song, write a piece considering this song, who you were when it first became a part of your sonic/cultural environment, what it meant to you at that time, and what it’s like to listen to it now. Be as specific and detailed as possible in describing the song (its beat, rhythm, instrumentation, lyrics, vocal coloration, general vibe, etc.) and use this as an occasion to take the measure of changes (of any kind) in your life. Keep in mind that while music is the connective tissue in this essay, the piece should ultimately be about how you have changed over time. (350-500 words)